Parker Huth and his mother, Dayle-Lynn Decker, began attending the Choctaw church after moving to Oklahoma from California a few years back. In their search for a church, they came to realize that Saturday was the true Bible Sabbath, and learned about Seventh-day Adventists. For a while they attended a church that kept the Sabbath but was not a Seventh-day Adventist church.
Eventually, they decided to look seriously for a Seventh-day Adventist church to attend. After visiting Choctaw and one other Adventist church, they realized they felt most comfortable at Choctaw, and began attending our church regularly. Parker soon began studying the Bible with our Bible Worker, Daniel Anderson, and before long he expressed an interest in baptism. Sabbath, April 20, was the big day! After a sermon by Pastor Anthony Adams, Parker was baptized and welcomed into church fellowship. He and Dayle-Lynn fit into our church family beautifully, and we feel extremely blessed that they are a part of our church!
by :: Robin Sagel