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Welcome Home + Goodbyes at Broken Arrow

Writer: Oklahoma CommunicationOklahoma Communication

For several months our Broken Arrow church has voiced “Welcome Home “and “Congratulations” during our services. We want to recognize our new members: Francis Diaz and Patrick Farlow by baptism; Moses Kalebaila and his wife Rachel Syanganga and Carla Clare by membership transfer. Re-baptisms include Galya Yanev, Bill Peña, Millie Crow, and Yessenia Diaz. It is such a blessing to witness the commitment of hearts to their Creator and Redeemer.

In June, several people from Broken Arrow traveled to Israel and Egypt along with Pastor Nathan Shires and his wife, Gurpreet, and others from Oklahoma. They returned safely with many stories to share of their experience. I was amazing to walk where Jesus and other Bible characters traveled.

Unfortunately, goodbyes were also in store for our congregation. On July 8 we said “’til we meet again” to Pastor Nathan and his beautiful wife. They have accepted a call to northern California where Pastor Nathan will be pastoring and Gurpreet will be manager of the Wound Care Center at Adventist Health Ukiah Valley Hospital. Our prayers go before them as they continue to serve wherever God leads.

by :: Carol Matthews



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