After our Area-level Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) held on February 5, eleven teams advanced to the Conference level on March 5, 2022, held at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center.

Many of the Pathfinder club directors and family members also gathered to watch their young people participate. These young people have been studying the books of I Kings and Ruth since they were announced several months ago.
The coaches for each team have worked very hard with their young people to commit to memory the verses assigned. Many meet once a week, other than their regular Pathfinder meeting time, to prepare for this awesome challenge.
Those that place in the first place position get the opportunity to advance to the Union Area PBE. The clubs that participated this year were Ardmore Pioneers, Arbuckle View Warriors, Bristow Stars, Capitol Hill, Cherokee T-Rex, Durant Querebines, Guymon Hornbills, MWC Solidos de Cristos, Oklahoma City Central Trailblazers, Tulsa Pioneros, and Tulsa Twisters.
The Arbuckle View Warriors and the Cherokee T-Rex Clubs received first place and are advancing to the Union level PBE in Keene, Texas later this month. Please continue to pray for these young people as they study God’s word.
By Norma Shepherd