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Life-changing Revival at Wewoka Woods

Writer: Oklahoma CommunicationOklahoma Communication

More than 80 men, women, and children of all ages from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, and Arizona recently experienced a life-changing prayer retreat called “Forward on our Knees” at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center (WWAC).

Laughter, solemn moments, prayer, singing, and fantastic fellowship filled the atmosphere at the camp from November 4-6. Guests were welcomed by the awesome staff at WWAC and ate delicious meals throughout the weekend prepared by the amazing kitchen staff under the direction of Chefs Sam and Nick.

Watching everyone come together as one big family praising God and pressing in together for united prayer was “medicine for the soul.” One attendee enthusiastically shared, “I can truly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit here this weekend!” Another exclaimed, “I am revived…this has been the best event I’ve ever attended!”

Gem Castor, Prayer Ministries Director for ASAP in Berrien Springs, Michigan delivered inspiring messages and led dedicated prayer sessions with prayer intercessor Gabriel Bonds throughout the weekend. Rick Mercer, Oklahoma Conference ministerial director, passionately shared about the power of prayer, and Norma Shepherd, Oklahoma Conference children’s ministries director, dedicated special time on Sabbath to the younger prayer retreat attendees.

Heart-stirring worship was led and arranged by Gabriel Blotor (Ozark Adventist Academy music director) and was accompanied by vocalists Gabriella Blotor and Chris, Chad, and Ceanna Mills of Northwest Arkansas. Additional blessings were the special musical selections by Victoria Gerling of Hope Adventist Fellowship Church in Moore, Oklahoma.

There were many weekend highlights, but one that stands out above others was the emphasis that the presence of God + intentional contact = TRANSFORMATION. Pastor Gem reminded us that HIS presence has always been pursuing us! What a blessed thought!

“The greatest blessing that God can give to man is the spirit of earnest prayer. All heaven is open before the man of prayer. The ambassadors of Christ will have power with the people after they have with earnest supplication come before God.” ~ Ellne White (Review and Herald, Oct. 20, 1986.)-{Pr.83.3}

There was a sweet, sweet spirit at the camp. It was palpable. It was powerful. Attendees left refreshed and ready to move “forward on their knees.”

The 2023 Oklahoma Prayer Retreat will be held at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center on November 3-5. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Cindy Mercer

Oklahoma Conference Prayer Ministries Director



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