“For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink…I was in prison and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him…Lord, when saw we thee …sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these…ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25: 35-40, KJV.
On January 15, the Oklahoma Conference sponsored a meeting for anyone interested in Prison Ministry. Elder Apple Park gave an appealing devotional to inspire all of our ministries here in Oklahoma to have a common goal: to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Savior to ALL the world. He challenged us to be in unity to reach this goal.

Some people attending the meeting are currently involved in prison ministry; there was also a couple that experienced firsthand coming to know Jesus and the Adventist truths while behind bars; and many attended who want to get involved to reach those in prison.
Ertis Johnson, Director of Oklahoma’s Prison Ministry, could not attend due to health concerns but sent a sincere and heartfelt recorded message. Floyd Thornton, Assistant Director, shared the goals of the Planning Committee. Several volunteers introduced themselves and gave a brief witness of their joy and reward in doing this ministry. We brainstormed about the initiatives we'd like to get started:
1. Organize/share ideas
2. Get acquainted/network
3. Have a newsletter
4. Develop a website
5. Send ambassadors to the local churches to develop interest and support
6. Have “Prison Ministry Day” in local churches/have “Prison Ministry Rallies” in regional areas
7. Use social media
8. Have mass book drop into the prisons
9. Expand/share testimonials/excite others
10. Resources
The attendees introduced themselves and told their willingness to even go long distances to be involved.“Wherever God leads…” Won’t you answer the call?
by :: Joyce Thornton
For more information contact: Ertis Johnson, Director @ ertisandmarilyn@yahoo.com or call 580-472-3472.
Floyd Thornton, Assistant Director - f_thorn@yahoo.com or 405-788-8044
Audrey Sandvik, Coordinator - audreymaries@live.com or 405-414-8422
Praise God for His Blessing in growing this ministry.