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Choctaw Adventurer Club

Writer: Oklahoma CommunicationOklahoma Communication

The Choctaw SDA Church recently started an Adventurer club, the Choctaw Eagles, and the induction ceremony was held on Sabbath morning, February 10. Five beautiful children were inducted into the club between Sabbath school and the church service: Sean and Anaya Anderson, Ellie and Theo Stanphill, and Grace Humphreys. 

The children marched in with the United States and Christian flags and pledged allegiance to those flags.  Daniel Anderson, Assistant Leader, gave an opening prayer. Then Mrs. Annette Park, Oklahoma Conference Adventurer Coordinator, spoke to the children about Moses and how he was saved from death as a baby through the quick action of his mother and his sister Miriam; how Moses was dedicated to God and raised to serve Him, even among the temptations of the Egyptian palace. 

Mrs. Park and Anais Anderson, the Choctaw Eagles Leader, presented the children with their scarves and pins, then called the parents forward for a dedication prayer before the children marched back out with the flags. This was a high day for our church!  We at Choctaw are excited to see our children being trained at such an early age to follow Jesus! 

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6 

by :: Robin Sagel



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