Treva Ragland has attended the Choctaw church for several years. She has always been so involved that many people didn't realize she wasn't a member. Treva is related to former Oklahoma Pastor O. J. Jackson and has had connections with the Adventist church for quite some time. She is a breath of fresh air, a delight to all who know her, and a true disciple of Jesus!
Treva volunteers at the Choctaw Senior Center. A while back, one of the other volunteers, Teresa, was discussing the possibility of visiting area churches with others at the Senior Center, and Treva suggested that they visit the Choctaw Seventh-day Adventist Church. Teresa soon began attending our church regularly; quietly, but faithfully.
Recently our pastor, Anthony Adams, made a call at the end of a sermon, and both Treva and Teresa responded. Teresa was a bit worried about "crashing" Treva's big day, but Treva was thrilled that the two of them could become members of our church family on the same day.
On Sabbath, May 20, many of Treva's and Teresa's family members and friends gathered to watch these two sisters in Christ be baptized and join our church. It was a wonderful day for all of us who attended that day. Treva gave a beautiful and enthusiastic testimony before her baptism.
We are thrilled to have these two new members who add so much to our church family. Welcome, Treva and Teresa!
by :: Robin Sagel