“I do not go door-to-door cold turkey. I’m trying another way to spread the gospel,” says Mick Dunnewin of the Arbuckle View Church.
Realizing you can best reach the world today through media and technology, Dunnewin uses his skills and passion for creating videos to make interesting and creative evangelistic films for YouTube. Gathering a small team together in Oklahoma—including his wife Nancy Dunnewin, Pastor Ben Burkhardt, and Pastor Christian Hunte— Dunnewin filmed his third evangelistic film, entitled, “Really Dead,” showing what happens at death and the truth about the immortality of the soul. His two previous films are called, “Into the Looking Glass” and “Easy Street.” All films are based on the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
The hardest part of making these videos is finding people to help be a part of the cast and crew. The Dunnewins solicit any and all prayers.
Dunnewin’s goal is to make feature-length films that share the gospel using Biblical truth. The videos are available on his YouTube channel, which is called 10-C Film Group (10-C stands for 10 Commandments). For contact information email Mick at mick10cfilmgroup@gmail.com