Adventist Youth (AY) continues to be an active component of the Choctaw and Shawnee churches. Every Sabbath our AY groups meet at one of the churches to do Sabbath afternoon activities. We’ve held Bible quizzes, Bible charades, Bible dioramas, and conversation starters from the Short Film Ministry. The AY group went door-to-door to pray with people in the community and as a result we have had people come to church on Sabbath because of our visits. One young man asked for bible studies after we held a community survey in the neighborhood near one of our churches.

After the fatal flooding in Breathitt County, Kentucky, two of our Choctaw members, Jeff and Gavin Adkins, took 425 Bibles to Knott County, Kentucky. The church purchased 200 Bibles and the Adkins received monetary donations from others to purchase the rest. They spent eight days giving out Bibles to people who were affected by the July 28 floods. Some people lost everything and were glad to receive the Word of God to put their lives back together. The Bibles chosen have the Mark Finley Helps in the back to help people understand the truths for the last days.
by :: Pastor Anthony Adams